Tips to

Small but awesome tips to work faster in Figma.

Paste to replace

Quickly swap out assets or add in components by replacing selected objects with another object that you’ve copied to your clipboard.

Press Shift+⌘ + V or Shift+Ctrl+V to paste to replace.

Credit: Figma

Create variants from existing components

Migrate existing design system components to Figma Variants

  1. Name existing components with ’/‘ to create hierarchy. e.g: ‘Button / Primanry / Default’, ‘Button / Primanry / Hover’
  2. Select all symbols and press Combine as Variants
  3. Rename properties to make it more meaningful
  4. Search and try your new component setting

Export and share any element with copy & paste

How to share quickly share a frame without selecting and exporting it?

  1. Select a frame
  2. Right click -> Copy/Paste -> Copy as PNG or ⇧(Shift) + ⌘ + C
  3. Paste (⌘ + V) and share

Adjust image position

Fill an image with Crop is a very helpful option. Here is a quicker way to access it

  1. Select a shape/image element
  2. Hold “⌥ Option” keyboard and Double click right mouse
  3. Move/resize the image to adjust its position

When to use Frame vs Group


When resizing a group, its child elements will scale as you would expect vector artwork to scale.


When resizing, a frame’s bounds will be resized independently from its child elements. So each elements can have different constraints.

Learn more about Frame & Group

Paste above a layer

The fastest way to bring an element to a dedicated position, by paste above on layer.

  1. Copy an element with “Copy + C”
  2. Select a layer
  3. Press “⌘ + Shift + V”

Better way to swap a symbol

  1. Navigation to the Assets tab
  2. Search for a Symbol / Component you want to replace.
  3. Press “Option + ⌘”
  4. Drag that symbol and drop it to the area where you want to swap the symbol (The dropzone is highlight with a Purple border)
  5. Done.

Steal a style of an element

Along with duplicating an element, we can copy the style. It’s super helpful when we want to overwrite an element in a component.

  1. Select element you want to copy. Press Ctrl/Cmd + Option + C to copy element’s style (color, shadow, border radius,…)
  2. Select destination element, Press Ctrl/Cmd + Option + V to pasted

Inserting multiple images into any shapes at once

  1. Press ”⌘ + Shift + K”
  2. Select your images
  3. Drop them on any type of layers

Credit @anronkai

Ignore constraint settings while resizing a Frame

When resizing frames, hold Command (⌘) on macOS or Ctrl on Windows/Chrome OS to ignore constraint settings for all objects inside that frame.

Credit @Figma

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